Monday, February 11, 2013

Monster's University Trailer Review

          Pixar has finally released it's trailer for it's new movie, Monster's University. Usually this is a time to rejoice because Pixar is coming out with a new movie that will be a great time for both kids and adults and will become an instant classic that kids will cherish until they die. However in the years after Toy Story 3 we just havn't gotten that kind of movie from Pixar. Not that Cars 2 and Brave where terrible movies it's just they weren't the same grade of movies that Pixar is famous for, and it looks like Monsters University might take the same road as Cars 2 and Brave.
          Now don't get me wrong I thought Monsters Inc. was a great movie and I was interested to see where they'd take it in this prequel, but after seeing the trailer I just don't see a classic Pixar movie, I see a kids movie with goofy and cheesy kids jokes, and I get that the comedy in a kids movie isn't going to be like the comedy in say 21 Jump Street but it is possible to have comedy in a kids movie that is funny to all demographics. The Toy Stories had great universal comedy, Finding Nemo had great universal comedy, Wreck It Ralph had great universal comedy ect. In the trailer I just saw a bunch of flat jokes that only a kid would laugh at. Which would be fine if this was just a kids movie but the thing is it's not just a kids movie it's a Pixar movie. Pixar has made such a reputation for itself in the past 18 years for making movies that any age demographic can enjoy and it sucks to see it fall from grace in its past two movies.
          The other thing that kind of bums me out is that in the trailer I did not get the distinct feeling that the movie will have depth to it, and I could be completely wrong it could just be a layer cake of just really thick...well...layers. When I say layers I mean the emotional tones and messages that kids movies like The Lion King and Finding Nemo have that makes them timeless classics. In this trailer all I see is a kids movie which I wouldn't bother doing a trailer review on if it wasn't for the fact that it's Pixar.
          So in conclusion I am interested to see Monsters University and I will give it a shot, but for right now I am not very hopeful for this movie.


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